Showing 1–9 of 10 results

Dura Mag Electromagnetic Flow Meter

FEATURES – Eliminates AC power cost – Internal data logger with 5 years of data storage – IP67 rated converter

HACH Analyzer – TOC Biotector

With unique technology and six-month reagent replacement, the BioTector analyzer family delivers 99.86% uptime with the lowest operating cost for condensate applications.

HACH Analyzers – EZ/OTT Series

The EZ Series continuous analyzers offer a choice of options to monitor either iron or aluminum in water. Typical applications include wastewater, potable water, steam and power generation, and surface water

HACH Controller – SC200/SC100 Series

The SC200-SC100 universal controller is the most versatile on the market today allowing the use of analog and digital sensors, singularly or in combination, it is compatible with the widest range of sensors.

Ultra Mag Electromagnetic Flow Meter

McCrometer's Ultra Mag® is an electromagnetic flow meter specifically designed for the water and wastewater industry measuring liquids, slurries and sludge. With a wide flow range, no head loss, and no maintenance, the Ultra Mag® provides an accurate measurement you can count on.

Oxiperm Chlorine Dioxide Systems

Its disinfection power is 2-5 times superior to other biocides.

DDE Metering Pump

Stepper motor driven diaphragm metering pump. Easy to operate with an optimum price-performance ratio (Digital Dosing Convenient).

DDC Metering Pump

Stepper motor driven SMART Digital diaphragm metering pump. Easy to operate with an optimum price-performance ratio (Digital Dosing Convenient).

DDA Metering Pump

Brushless motor driven SMART Digital diaphragm metering pump. High-end solution for demanding and complex applications (Digital Dosing Advanced)