Business, Guadalajara, Water

Why is sustainability so important?

Blog 1

Nowadays, factors such as demographic growth, the unequal distribution of territories to the population, the rapid apogee of urbanization, the degradation and fatal destruction of natural resources, deforestation or poor air quality have caused, not only worldwide but also in our country, Mexico, the emergence of serious environmental crises.

But it is also important that the economy generates a good performance and development, this will improve the levels and quality of life of the population.

It is here when environmental sustainability plays an important role, because by incorporating it, it allows to measure the growth that each of the sectors, whether economic or social, achieves a good reach, goals that are related to the environment. This allows the population itself to have access to good levels of well-being and quality of life.

In addition, environmental sustainability governs the responsible and conscious use and transformation of our natural resources and the environment, preserving them for future generations. This makes these resources (forests, mines, water, etc.) the main instrument that allows the economic and social sector to develop.


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